» economy https://www.comedytrio.com Fri, 15 Apr 2011 21:10:02 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v= Racism Affected By The Economy https://www.comedytrio.com/2011/04/06/racism-affected-by-the-economy/ https://www.comedytrio.com/2011/04/06/racism-affected-by-the-economy/#comments Wed, 06 Apr 2011 03:15:02 +0000 louiebee http://www.comedytrio.com/?p=87 [...]]]> Louie Bee
April 5, 2011

The economy in the United States if you haven’t heard is sucking major balls. The Obama Administration has commissioned the Federal Reserve to print money out of thin air to help bail out many failing financial institutions. Surprisingly racist hate has suffered because of the economy. I  have a sit down interview with Klansman Cletus to talk how the Ku Klux Klan has been affected by the economy.

Louie Bee: First I like to say Thank you Cletus for agreeing to do this interview.

Klansman Cletus: You’re very Welcome beaner. Have you given any thought on going back to Africa?

Louie Bee: Umm No. So, Cletus How has this economic slow down kept you from expressing your hate towards minorities?

Klansman Cletus: Well Spic, since the price of bleach has gone up so our robes and hoods can’t be cleaned as often. That kind of pisses us off because now we are as brown as the Koons and the beaners.

Louie Bee: So Cleanliness is close to racial pureness.

Klansman Cletus: Your damn right wetback.

Louie Bee: So besides the laundry how has the economy affected they way you conduct hate?

Klansman Cletus: Well since the price of lumber has gone up, we had to cut back on cross burnings on niggers lawns or we just have to start using Popsicle sticks and moonshine. I mean where is that porch monkey with our bailout at least we will be doing the lords work.

Louie Bee: I understand I could use some of that bailout money for some strippers. What do you say when people call you racist since you disagree with Obama’s policies?

Klansman Cletus: Well I am a racist but don’t mean I am wrong Look at the state of the economy he is spending to get us out of a recession its like fucking for virginity. I mean people use your god damn common sense. The man is bad hell worse than Brother Bush and Cheney. We had to kick Cheney out of the Klan because he kept trying to eat our children.

Louie Bee: Well Cletus you made a good point I never knew you bigoted Honkeys are smart sometimes. Thank you for this interview.

Klansman Cletus: You very Welcome Lou… see almost said your name spic lol Wait.. did you call me a honkey just now.

Louie Bee: Sure did Cletus and I fucked your sister-wife and she has a brown baby in her and a smile on her bitch.

I then ran to the car and got the fuck out of Alabama. Steven J. Bee will be born in January of 2010 yeeeehaawww

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